Annual Clergy Conference Held in the Mother See

Annual Clergy Conference Held in the Mother See 29.05.2017

On May 29, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; presided over the annual clergy conference. The meeting was convened in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. The meeting was attended by spiritual servants of the Armenian and Artsakh Dioceses, as well as from the Western Diocese of North America; Diocese of Russia and New Nakhijevan; Diocese of Southern Russia; Diocese of Great Britain and Ireland; Armenian Diocese of Ukraine, Diocese of France, Diocese of Bulgaria, Diocese of Georgia, Diocese of Romania and Diocese of Iraq; and priests of the Pontifical Delegation in Central Europe. The meeting was attended by the Bishops of Mother See; Primates of the Armenian Dioceses; 50 members of the Brotherhood of Mother See, and 205 priests.

In the morning, the clergy, led by the Catholicos of All Armenians, attended Morning Services in the Mother Cathedral.

Opening remarks were made by His Grace Bishop Mikael Ajapahyan, Primate of the Diocese of Shirak and Chairman of the organizing committee. Bishop Mikael noted with satisfaction that the clergy conference is convened during the feasts in May, and wished that the clergy of the Armenian Church be strengthened by the victorious spirit, filled with the graces of the Holy Spirit, and succeed in their cherished spiritual mission.

A report was given by Rev. Fr. Nerses Roushanyan (Diocese of Armavir), on the theme: “Rights and Obligations of the Parish Priest”. During the discussions, the participants referred to the obligations and rights of the parish priests in pastoral life. They particularly spoke about the strengthening of church-community ties in the pastorates and the necessary steps towards the organization of religious services. They also stressed the importance of implementing preparation and training activities with the participants of the services.

The second report was presented by Rev. Fr. Paren Arakelyan (Diocese of Aragatsotn), entitled: “The Priest and Public Organizations”. Inside the framework of the pastoral service of the parish priests, they also discussed the issue of cooperation with NGOs, for the benefit of the strengthening and development of the community. The priests presented their experience on cooperation with different NGOs. They also discussed the involvement possibilities of NGO members in various educational and social programs being carried out inside the Pastorates.

Rev. Fr. Yesayi Artenyan (Ararat Pontifical Diocese) presented his report on the Clergy executive body and effectiveness of the General Assembly. Fr. Yesayi presented the works implemented in recent years and the results achieved by the executive body, which was established with the blessings of His Holiness. In this regard, the conference participants discussed the examination and discussion procedure of various materials and issues given to the attention of the executive body by the clergy.

The Conference concluded with the blessings of the Catholicos of All Armenians. His Holiness expressed his appreciation to His Grace Bishop Mikael Ajapahyan and the organizing committee, and was pleased to note that the number of priests attending was increasing every year and the clergy of the Armenian Dioceses of the Diaspora were also involved in the meetings.

His Holiness expressed his satisfaction with the reports presented and the issues raised related to the service of the priests and their concerns.

Speaking about the rights and responsibilities of a priest, the Armenian Patriarch stressed that rights are born from the responsibilities of the clergy, and the perception of responsibilities is closely associated with the consciousness of the priestly title. “When the priest has the consciousness of the title and responsibility  of service, which depends on the personality and character of our Lord Jesus Christ, he also serves following in the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. And in this sense, the scope of our responsibilities and rights are clear to us, when we examine the life of our Lord and see how He acted and served...”, said His Holiness.

His Holiness urged the clergy to courageously continue to serve with the same diligence and zeal, the same love and high sense of responsibility, stressing that the clergy has a main role in the mission of the formation of our nation's moral, spiritual and value system.

Following the conclusion of the meeting, the clergy attended the Evening Service in the Mother Cathedral.