An International Conference on “The Bases and Resources for Establishing Peace in the Caspian West” in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

An International Conference on “The Bases and Resources for Establishing Peace in the Caspian West” in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin 29.11.2018

On November 29, with the blessings of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; the opening of the international conference on “The Bases and Resources for Establishing Peace in the Caspian West” was held in the Karekin I educational center of the Mother See. The conference is dedicated to the self-defense of Gandzak in1988-1989; the 30th anniversary of the Armenian deportation in Gardmank and Gandzak; the victims of genocide and memory of the missing persons in 1987-1992 in Gardmank, Gandzak, Nakhijevan, Sumgait, Baku and Maragha.

The conference, sponsored by the Mother See, was organized through the efforts of the Forum of Refugees from the Azerbaijani SSR; the Chair of Iranian Studies of the YSU Faculty of Oriental Studies; “Hamshenuhi” International Women's Association of Hamshen Armenians and Union of Armenians of Azerbaijan SSR.

The Conference began with the Lord’s Prayer, following which His Eminence Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisyan, Director of the External Relations and Protocol Department of the Mother See welcomed the conference participants.

His Eminence conveyed the blessings and best wishes of the Catholicos of All Armenians to the attendees.

Referring to the violence and massacres committed against Armenians in Gandzak, Gardmank, Nakhijevan, Sumgait, then in Baku and Maragha three decades ago, as a result of which many Armenian settlements were emptied, Archbishop Nathan stressed: “First of all we have gathered today to remember all the innocent victims who were martyred thirty years ago. I am sure that everyone would like to do something in their lives to prevent such crimes anywhere in the world”.

His Eminence Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisyan also spoke about the Armenian clergymen who participated in the self-defense. “The Armenian clergyman has always been the brave pastor of his flock, especially in difficult times and days… This has been the mission of our Church, this remains the mission of our Church and this should be continuous”, concluded His Eminence.

Mrs. Mariam Avagyan, Coordinator of the Forum of Refugees from the Azerbaijani SSR, made welcome remarks.

The one-day conference is attended by scientists, politicians and public figures from Artsakh, Russia, Lebanon, Austria and other countries.