A Common Agreement on the Elections for the Constantinople Patriarchate

A Common Agreement on the Elections for the Constantinople Patriarchate 24.02.2017

On February 23-24, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; meetings were held which were attended by three Bishops of the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople: His Eminence Archbishop Aram Ateshian, Patriarchal Vicar General; His Eminence Karekin Bekchian, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Germany; and His Grace Bishop Sahak Mashalian, Chairman of the Religious Council of the Patriarchate of Constantinople; which were invited to meet together by His Holiness.

On February 23, ahead of the meeting and led by the Catholicos of All Armenians, Bishops Karekin, Aram, and Sahak, visited the Mother Cathedral, and offered a united prayer at the Holy Altar of Descent, for the vibrancy of the centuries old Hierarchal See of Constantinople, and for guidance in overcoming the existing challenges and re-establishment of peace and solidarity in the Armenian-Constantinople community. A prayer was offered for His Beatitude Archbishop Mesrop Moutafian, Patriarch of the See, who is ill and remains under constant care in the Holy Savior National Hospital.

During the two-day discussions they reflected on recent events in the life of the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople, the strife and discrepancies that have occurred surrounding the Patriarchal electoral process.

The Catholicos of All Armenians urged the Bishops, to be mindful of the broad interests of the Patriarchal See, and to make every effort among the clergy for strengthening of mutual understanding, reconciliation, and brotherly spirit in the life of the Armenians of Constantinople.

Catholicos Karekin II was given the necessary background by the Bishops regarding the current situation and the proposed solutions, and discussions were held around the information that was presented. The members of the Brotherhood of the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople also separately discussed the challenges facing the Patriarchate.

The results of the meetings and discussions were the following common agreement:

- At the invitation of the Patriarchal Religious Council, before March 15 the Clerical Assembly will hold elections for a Locum Tenens. With the election of a Locum Tenens, the authority of the Patriarchal Vicar General will cease according to Church regulations,

-The member Bishops of the Brotherhood of the Patriarchate of Constantinople have equal right to nominate their candidacy in the Locum Tenens elections,

-After the Locum Tenens election the Religious Council will create a commission composed of priests and laymen, as prescribed by law, to organize the transfer of power from the Patriarchal Vicar General to the Locum Tenens,

-Following the Locum Tenens election, the elections of an Enterprising Committee is held within ten days, according to the accepted procedures of the Patriarchate. In turn, the Enterprising Committee led by the Locum Tenens must organize and conduct within six months, the election of the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople according to existing procedures,

-The Enterprising Committee must present a monthly report to the Religious Council and the community, regarding the tasks completed in the organization of elections,

- If after a period of six months the Patriarchal elections have not been held, at the invitation of the Religious Council, the Patriarchal Clerical Assembly and the chairmen Assembly of the community institutions, are within their jurisdiction to hold a vote of confidence on the Locum Tenens and the Enterprising Committee,

- During the election period the Enterprising Committee will ensure equal conditions for the patriarchal candidates to carry out their electoral campaign.

On February 24, led by His Holiness, the three Bishops met with Bishops of the Supreme Spiritual Council. His Eminence Archbishop Sepuh Chuljian, Primate of the Diocese of Gougark, was also invited to the meeting as one of the candidates for Patriarch.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Catholicos of All Armenians conveyed his gratitude to the Bishops of Constantinople for their commitment during the two-day meetings and the efforts aimed at overcoming the current situation in the life of the Armenians of Constantinople. His Holiness conveyed his love and blessings to the clergy and faithful of the Patriarchate, and ahead of the cherished period of Great Lent wished them God’s support for the revival of their faith and vibrancy of the national- ecclesiastical life.