Pontifical Visit of His Holiness Karekin II to the USA - Louisiana

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians visited the state of Louisiana from October 16-18, 2007as part of his 18-city, 14-state, Pontifical Visit to the Eastern Diocese. His Holiness visited the communities of New Orleans and Baton Rouge.

This is the first time His Holiness visited New Orleans and Baton Rouge, as Catholicos. As a guest of Habitat for Humanity International in New Orleans and the Armenian community in Baton Rouge, His Holiness attended services, receptions and met with community, civic and ecumenical faith leaders.

During His Holiness’ visit to New Orleans, he was hosted by Habitat for Humanity International and the local affiliate. Among his many charitable and humanitarian efforts, His Holiness has worked cooperatively with Habitat for Humanity and in April 2006, the Armenian Church and Habitat for Humanity signed an agreement of long-term cooperation to create His Holiness Karekin II Work Project. The pontiff personally spearheaded efforts to build 37 homes across Armenia, giving witness to the ancient Armenian tradition of charity, volunteerism and social concern as part of the His Holiness Karekin II Work Project in 2007.

On Tuesday evening, October 16th, Habitat for Humanity hosted a reception in honor of the Catholicos with Ecumenical and Civic leaders. On Wednesday morning, His Holiness Karekin II helped to build a home in Habitat for Humanity’s Musicians’ Village alongside other volunteers.

In Baton Rouge, the Catholicos was a guest of the Armenian community of St. Garabed Armenian Church. The only Armenian Church in Louisiana, Armenians and Americans, as well as ecumenical and civic leaders, welcomed His Holiness at the Hrashapar service (service of welcome), blessing of the Kerezmanadoun (cemetery), and reception at St. Garabed Armenian Church in Baton Rouge.

During the service that night, St. Garabed Armenian Church was filled with the church’s 120 members, civic and ecumenical leaders, as well as friends of the Armenians. With standing room only, all were anxious to greet and receive blessings from His Holiness.

On October 18th, His Holiness met with ecumenical leaders in Baton Rouge for a breakfast at the City Club. Ecumenical faith leaders from the Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and Methodist churches, as well as members of the Jewish and Muslim faith were invited to a pray with His Holiness. Following the breakfast, His Holiness departed for the next stop on his Pontifical Visit - Dallas, Texas.