Pontifical Visit of His Holiness Karekin II to the USA - Florida

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians began the four day Florida portion of his Pontifical Visit to the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America with a visit to the St. Petersburg community on Saturday October 13th and Sunday October 14th. The focus of his visit was the consecration of the St. Hagop Armenian Church of Pinellas Park, Florida. The event marked the first time His Holiness was able to consecrate a new Church in the Eastern Diocese.

Pinellas Park, located in the Greater Tampa Bay area, has been a mission community of the Eastern Diocese for almost two decades, transitioning to a full parish in recent years.

Opening of the Doors and Consecration

The traditional Turnpatzek (opening of the doors Service) took place on October 13, and began with a processional led by the Catholicos which approached the doors of the Church. Joining His Holiness were His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese; members of the Pontifical entourage; ecumenical leaders from sister Churches; and a host of well-wishers.

His Holiness was assisted in the Turnpatzek service by Archbishop Khajag; His Eminence Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Diocesan Legate; the parish priest of the St. Hagop Church, Father Hovnan Demerjian; Father Vartan Julfayan of St. Mary’s Armenian Church in Hollywood, Florida; Father Nareg Berberian of St. David Armenian Church in Boca Raton, Florida; and the Dean of St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral - Father Mardiros Chevian. With the choir singing under the direction of Maestro Khoren Mekanegian, His Holiness opened the doors while the choir echoed his words and the procession was led into the sanctuary. Simple and unadorned, the raw and newly constructed sanctuary came to life as it was filled with ancient Armenian Christian chants and holy songs.

To mark the Consecration, 16 crosses were hung around the Church - each cross symbolizing a Saint. The

16 Saints of the Church represent the pillars of the Church. Each saint and cross is assigned a Godparent

who will commit in two ways to the parish - through financial contribution and a commitment to look after and raise the Church.

As the Consecration began, His Holiness Karekin II blessed the altar. Archbishop Khajag and Archbishop Vicken continued to bless the other 16 crosses which had been hung and anointed. Each of the 16 crosses was blessed with Holy Chrism (Holy Muron or blessed oil). Throughout this blessing of crosses, the altar curtain remained drawn while the clergy dressed the altar with crosses, icons and candles.

During the service, Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Alysia Ekizian received the St. Gregory the Illuminator Medal and an encyclical (or Gontag in Armenian) from His Holiness for their support of Holy Etchmiadzin and the St. Hagop Church.

Concluding the Consecration, a candle was lit by the Catholicos. Taking the lit candle from the altar, His Holiness entrusted it to Archbishop Khajag who in-turn passed it on to the 18 Godparents of the sanctuary assembled before the altar in the chancel. Receiving the light and turning towards the congregation, the Godparents passed on the light to parishioners who lit their own candles before repeating the same. The choir sang ‘Lusavorya Jerusalem’ or ‘Alight, O Jerusalem’.

Pontifical Divine Liturgy - Badarak

As the altar curtain was opened, the Pontifical Divine Liturgy (Badarak) began. As the curtain opened the newly-adorned altar, the Liturgy began to be celebrated for the more than 450 parishioners present. An overflow crowd participated in the Liturgy under a tent erected outside of the church, following the video monitors intently. A choir of 26 members, made up of members of both the St. Hagop Armenian Church and St. David Armenian Church choir of Boca Raton sang under the direction of Maestro Khoren Mekanejian.

Many of the faithful received Holy Communion from the Catholicos himself who was assisted in administering Communion by Archbishop Khajag and Archbishop Vicken. Father Hovnan assisted the Catholicos on the altar throughout the Pontifical Divine Liturgy. Upon exiting the sanctuary, His Holiness released several doves which flew high with the spirit of the parishioners.

Reception and Banquet Hosted by Greek Orthodox Church

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Clearwater, Florida hosted a banquet after the Pontifical Divine Liturgy. Three hundred dignitaries and parishioners were in attendance as Colonel Nazarian of the Armenian Army, stationed at CENTCOM Headquarters at McDill Air Force Base, led the Catholicos and Archbishop Khajag Barsamian into the hall to their banquet table. The dinner included speeches and a video about Holy Etchmiadzin and remarks by His Holiness.

The video shown at the banquet covered a variety of initiatives led by His Holiness Karekin II. The Church in Armenia has grown from just 13 operating churches to over 250. Seminaries have filled to capacity and more than 30 young men are ordained to the priesthood each year. Beyond the renaissance he is leading for the church, the Catholicos has initiated a number of charitable and social projects designed to assist the Armenian people. These projects have included soup kitchens, hospitals, schools, music programs, cultural activities and other enrichment programs and acts of mercy for the good of people.

Southern Florida

On Monday, October 15, His Holiness flew on to Southern Florida, and arrived at the Boca Raton Airport where he was warmly received by members of both the St. David and St. Mary Armenian Church communities.

In Boca Raton, at St. David Armenian Church, His Holiness was greeted by throngs of excited children. Over 80 cheering children eagerly awaited him outside St. David Armenian Church in Boca Raton, Florida. Ranging from the ages of 6 to 16 years-old, the children dressed up for their Catholicos and shouted "Pari Yegak Vehapar Der" or "Welcome Our Catholicos", as they waved Armenian, American and Pontifical flags in their hands.

As His Holiness the Catholicos of All Armenians entered the Alex and Marie Manoogian Hall adjacent to St.

David Armenian Church, the children followed him for their special "Pizza Party with the Pontiff". His Holiness smiled as he listened to them sing the American and Armenian national anthems followed by enthusiastic renditions of Armenian poetry and songs learned from their parents, Armenian School and Sunday School.

Following the pizza party, the traditional service of Welcome for the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, the Hrashapar Service, took place at 7:00 p.m. The Very Reverend Father Nareg Berberian had invited 18 clergy men from the local area, among them representatives from the Buddhist, Episcopal, Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox faiths.

Monday evening, the Catholicos of All Armenians was received as an honored guest by members of the South Florida Armenian Community and over a dozen ecumenical and civic leaders who came to pay their respects.

Tuesday began with the Catholicos make an adjustment to the daily schedule to pay a personal visit to His Beatitude Archbishop Christodoulos, the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece. His Beatitude is in the United States for medical treatment. His Holiness and Archbishop Khajag were joined by the Greek Consul General to Tampa, His Excellency Andreas Psycharis, two Bishops from the Greek Orthodox Church, His Eminence Metropolitan Theologos of Serres and Bishop Theoklitos of Vresthena, and the Chancellor to His Beautitude, the Reverend Thomas Synodinos and several assistants.

The two leaders and friends, who had traveled together to Istanbul reminisced about their last meeting in 2006, which took place at the invitation of His All Holiness Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church which was joined with the invitation of His Beatitude Mesrob II, Armenian Patriarch of Istanbul and All Turkey. They spoke of the strong bonds between the Greek and Armenian communities.

During his visit, the Catholicos and Archbishop Christodoulos prayed together in both Armenian and Greek as a sign of their Christian and brotherly unity.

Returning to the day’s events, His Holiness Karekin II traveled on to St. Mary Armenian Church in Hollywood, Florida. None the weary for the waiting, understanding the importance of the pastoral visit His Holiness had paid to his dear friend Archbishop Christodoulos, a crowd of Armenian Christians from the St. Mary community enthusiastically greeted their beloved Catholicos just after noon.

Worshippers participated in a service in which the Catholicos blessed the Khatchkars on the altar of St. Mary Armenian Church. Following the service, members of the St. Mary Armenian Church Parish Council, Delegates and Committee Members, as well as members of the community, met with their Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos.

At the conclusion of the blessing of the khatchkars (stone crosses) on the altar, the Catholicos presented the Very Reverend Father Nareg Berberian with a lanchakhach (a pectoral cross) The Reverend Father shared, "I was extremely pleased to receive the pectoral cross as a token of His Holiness’ appreciation of the Florida Armenian Community.

Following the Hrashapar Service, a reception with ecumenical, interfaith and civic leaders took place in the parish hall. The occasion provided everyone with an opportunity to meet and get to know His Holiness, and in turn, receive his blessing.

Tuesday afternoon saw the Armenian Community of South Florida wave goodbye to their beloved Vehapar as he returned to his 18 city, 14 states, 30-day Pontifical Visit to the Eastern Diocese.