Newly Ordained Priests Called to Service within the Life of the Armenian Church

The Armenian Church celebrated the Feast of Pentecost on Sunday, May 27. The feast commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on to the Apostles of Jesus Christ following His Ascension, and is also commonly referred to as the "Birthday" of the Universal Christian Church. This year, the feast took on greater meaning for the Armenian Church, as twelve new priests, having completed their traditional 40-day period of seclusion, celebrated their first Divine Liturgies in churches throughout Armenia. The twelve had recently been ordained (on April 15) in the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, by His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America.

Following the conclusion of their respective Divine Liturgies, the priests gathered once more in the Mother See of the Armenian Church and were received by His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. His Holiness extended his pontifical blessing to them, conveying his fatherly message and exhortations to bring their selfless service with steadfast love and unending devotion to the pious faithful and the Armenian Church.

As per the pontifical order of His Holiness, the twelve new priests have been assigned to serve in the various departments of the Mother See and throughout a number of Dioceses of the Armenian Church.

Rev. Fr. Haroutiun Kirakosian, Rev. Fr. Aram Mirzoyan and Rev. Fr. Sipan Grigorian will continue their service within the Mother See.

Rev. Fr. Hovel Ohanian has been assigned to pastoral service in the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America.

Rev. Fr. Arakel Amirian will serve in the Armenian Diocese of Russia and New Naxijevan.

Rev. Fr. Manuk Zeynalian and Rev. Fr. Armash Poghosian have been assigned to the Armenian Diocese of Georgia.

Rev. Fr. Yeprem Haroutiunian will serve in the Araratian Pontifical Diocese.

Rev. Fr. Soghomon Minasian will serve in the Diocese of Shirak (Armenia).

Rev. Fr. Jirayr Khatchatrian and Rev. Fr. Vigen Manukian will serve in the Diocese of Aragatsotn (Armenia).

Rev. Fr. Maghakia Amirian will depart for Greece to continue his higher education.