Memorandum of Understanding Signed between the Armenian Church and Habitat for Humanity International

Memorandum of Understanding Signed between the Armenian Church and Habitat for Humanity International 21.04.2006

On April 20, His Grace Bishop Arshak Khachatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and Rev. Dr. Kenneth Bensen, representative of Habitat for Humanity International, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Armenian Church and Habitat for Humanity initiating a new program entitled the "His Holiness Karekin II" Building Project. The formal signing ceremony was held in the Pontifical Residence of the Mother See.

His Grace Bishop Viken Aykazian, Diocesan Legate for the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), Mr. Ashot Yeghiazarian, Director of the "Habitat - Armenia" office, Very Rev. Fr. Markos Hovhannisian, Vicar of the Diocese of Gegharkunik and Mr. Gurgen Martirosian, Mayor of Gavar, attended the signing ceremony.

The memorandum outlines the cooperation agreement between Habitat for Humanity International and the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin for the purpose of building homes for needy families and those living in poverty housing. According to the agreement, Habitat will organize and implement an annual building event in Armenia. With the blessings and under the auspices of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, approximately 100 new houses are planned to be built in the coming three years. At least 37 new homes will be built this year in the regions of the Republic of Armenia - one house representing each diocese of the Armenian Church dispersed throughout the world.

Joint cooperation between the Armenian Church and Habitat-Armenia began in 2001, when parish teams of Armenians from the United States came to Armenia to work in building projects. Then in June of 2005, His Holiness Karekin II traveled to Michigan and worked alongside President Jimmy Carter and Mr. Richard Manoogian, Chairman of the MASCO Corporation, in the Habitat sponsored "Jimmy Carter Work Project" in Detroit.

The inaugural building event under this agreement, entitled "Let us build with love", will be held in the Diocese of Gegharkunik from September 5 to 9, 2006. Faithful parishioners from Armenian Church Dioceses around the world are invited to come to Armenia and participate in this historic event. Please contact your diocesan office for details.

At the conclusion of the signing ceremony, His Holiness Karekin II received the representatives of "Habitat" accompanied by Bishop Viken Aykazian. The Pontiff of All Armenians blessed the efforts of Habitat throughout the world, and stressed the importance of poverty reduction, noting that projects such as these do more that simply put a roof over the head of a family, moreover, they instill the spirit of volunteerism, love and charity in the hearts of men.