Meeting of Governors and Mayors in Holy Etchmiadzin

Meeting of Governors and Mayors in Holy Etchmiadzin 20.03.2006
On the evening of March 18, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, hosted a gathering of political and religious leaders from throughout Armenia in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, led by the Minister of Territorial Administration, Mr. Hovik Abrahamian. Present for the meeting were all diocesan primates from the Republics of Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh; regional governors (Marzpets) of the Republic of Armenia; and mayors of cities from throughout the country. Also present were the lay members of the Supreme Spiritual Council.

The leaders were welcomed by the Pontiff of All Armenians, who noted his pleasure at hosting the regional and local elected officials in the Mother See. His Holiness noted the purpose of the gathering was to give them an opportunity to meet with the diocesan primates, discuss issues related to the national and ecclesiastical life of the Armenian people, and to explore ways of working together to find solutions to those problems.

His Holiness Karekin II extended his Pontifical Blessings to all of the participants and expressed his appreciation to the state, regional and local authorities for the assistance which is provided to the Armenian Church and her mission. Reflecting on the administrative matters facing the Church, the Pontiff underlined the great importance of reestablishing parish life within the cities and villages of Armenia as a vital precondition of fully achieving the Church's mission in the fields of spiritual education and pastoral ministry. "The restoration of parish councils, parochial boards and parish life will greatly benefit our work in strengthening the Armenian family by providing a strong foundation built on Christian faith, Church teachings and Holy Tradition, and reinforcing our independent statehood through education and leadership", stated the Catholicos of All Armenians.

Minister of Territorial Administration Hovik Abrahamian also welcomed the guests and thanked His Holiness for inviting them all to the "center of Armenian faith and spiritual life", and expressed his happiness for the spirit of cooperation which is developing between the Armenian Church and the local authorities. The Minister also placed importance on these meetings occurring at regular intervals, in order to plan the work ahead for the present and future collaboration between Church and state, which he stated would benefit the prosperity of the homeland and the life of the people.

During the meeting, many proposals were offered by the participants regarding spheres of cooperation. Also discussed was concern among many regional and local officials regarding the destructive activities of cults and various sects operating in Armenia.