His Holiness Karekin II Sends Condolences to President Bush

On September 1, 2005, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, responding to the tragic loss of life and property inflicted on the Gulf Coast of the southern United States by Hurricane Katrina, sent a letter of condolence to U.S. President George Bush.

In the letter, His Holiness states, "We learned of the recent devastating hurricane which struck the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama with a heavy heart, and mourn the deaths of your citizens in cities and towns near the Gulf of Mexico. From the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, we extend to you, your government and all the people of the United States, the sorrow and sincere condolences of the Armenian Church and all Armenians throughout the world.

"The significant loss of life and the great number of missing and wounded reminds us all of how precious and fragile the gift of life is, and that we must always be vigilant in its protection and defense. As you are aware, Armenia was greatly affected by a major earthquake in 1988, which devastated the northern regions of the country and killed tens of thousands of our population. Nevertheless, with a steadfast reliance on Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Armenian people are overcoming their difficulties and losses, and we are confident that through faith and hope, the American people will triumph over this disaster as well.

"As head of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church, we offer our solemn prayers for eternal rest for all those who perished in this disaster, and solace and comfort to their families and friends. We ask the Almighty to grant recovery to the thousands of afflicted, hurt and homeless families, and strength to you and your government at this difficult time."