His Holiness Karekin II Delivers Opening Prayer in the United States Congress

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On Wednesday October 10, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, delivered the opening prayer to the 110th Congress of the United States House of Representatives.

His Holiness was invited to give the opening prayer as part of the activities of his Pontifical Visit to the Armenian Dioceses of North America.

The Catholicos of All Armenians was escorted to the chambers and introduced by the Speaker of the House, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D) of California. The prayer of His Holiness to the gathered congressional leaders was as follows:

"Lord, we thank you for bestowing us with the Grace to pray today for the leaders of this nation who labor in the universal cause of liberty and justice. Increase their wisdom and resolution. Their actions grant inspiration and fulfillment to the desire for justice that lives in every heart. Our Father in heaven, render guidance to all nations, including the Republic of Armenia - our homeland and center of our faith - the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

With a solemn burden of history, we remember the victims of the Genocide of the Armenians, the consequences of which are still felt by the entire world in new manifestations of genocide. Grant rest to the souls of all victims of crimes against humanity and bestow peace and justice on their descendants. Give pause to those who trample life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Lord, bless this land and people. Grant peace and safety to America’s sons and daughters who serve their nation abroad. May the United States continue her mission as a great beacon of hope. Amen."

The Catholicos of All Armenians delivered his prayer to Congress on the same day which the Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee passed House Resolution 106 - which recognizes the Armenian Genocide.

Following the opening, His Holiness met privately with Congresswoman Pelosi. His Holiness expressed his appreciation to the United States for the respect and care demonstrated toward the Armenian community, allowing them the freedom to openly practice their Christian religion. He discussed the aid and assistance given to Armenia, noting that the help rendered by the United States had notably contributed to the rebuilding of the nation, and specifically mentioning the works and great efforts of the United States to instill a secure and stable environment in the region of the Southern Caucuses.

In closing, he extended his gratitude to Congresswoman Pelosi for the work she and other lawmakers have undertaken to increase awareness and seek official recognition of the Armenian Genocide.