Final Day of Events in the Western Diocese

Special Breakfast-Meeting at Diocese

On Tuesday, October 2nd, the final day of events of the Pontifical visit of His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, to the Western Diocese of the United States, started with a special breakfast meeting held at the Diocesan Headquarters. Clergy from throughout the Western Diocese, donors to the Mother Cathedral, Godfathers, construction and fundraising committee members, as well as honored guest were in attendance.

Accompanying His Holiness were His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese; His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese; and members of His Pontifical entourage, His Grace Bishop Yezras Nersissian, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Russia and New Nakhijevan; His Grace Bishop Arshak Khachatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Rev. Fr. Hovnan Hakobian Staff-bearer to His Holiness, and Rev. Fr. Ktrij Devejian of the Catholicosate of All Armenians.

Dr. Harout Yaghsezian, chairman of the event organizing committee, welcomed His Holiness and all the assembled guests.

Archbishop Hovnan once again expressed his gratefulness to Vehapar for the blessing of his visit, and introduced the Ecumenical guests; His Eminence Archbishop Eugene Kaplan, Primate of the Syriac Orthodox Church; His Grace Bishop Serapion, Primate of the Coptic Orthodox Church; and the Very Reverend Father Alexis Smith, representative of Cardinal Roger Mahony. His Eminence Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, His Eminence Archbishop Arsen Berberian and other esteemed clergy were present at the event.

Groundbreaking Ceremony of Mother Cathedral

Following the breakfast, the Western Diocese embarked on a new era in its history when His Holiness, accompanied by His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, and other esteemed clergy from throughout the Armenian Church, presided over the Groundbreaking ceremony of the Mother Cathedral, and initiated the construction process for the eagerly awaited church.

Under the singing of hymns, the Los Angeles Area Choirs’ Assembly, directed by Deacon Dr. Ari Demiral, led the procession of clergy to the construction site of the Mother Cathedral. Escorting His Holiness as canopy-bearers were, Joseph Kanimian Esq., Vice Chairman of the Diocesan Council; Benefactor Armen Hampar, Benefactor Berj Shahbazian, and Supreme Spiritual Council member Deacon Dr. Varoujan Altebarmakian. His Holiness ascended a special stage which overlooked the construction site. The ceremony commenced with the Primate’s message where His Eminence expressed his appreciation that His Holiness has brought blessings from the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and the blessed Motherland.

In attendance for the ceremony were many honored guests including; Honorable Armen Liloyan, General Consul of the Republic of Armenia; Paul Krekorian, California Assemblyman; The Honorable Marsha Ramos, Mayor of the City of Burbank; Honorable Tim Stehr, Police Chief of the City of Burbank; Honorable Tracy Pancini, Fire Chief of the City of Burbank; Honorable Bonnie Teaford, Public Works Director the City of Burbank; and the Honorable Sue Georgino, Community Development Director of the City of Burbank.

After the introductions His Holiness offered his message for the festive occasion. His Holiness mentioned that during his last visit he had conducted the Foundation Blessing service for the Mother Cathedral, as well as the consecration of the God father’s cross-stones (Khatchkars). He prayed that through the leadership of the Primate and with the assistance of the clergy, benefactors, Godfathers, and faithful, the Mother Cathedral would be built and would serve the needs of the community. His Holiness distinctly lauded the contributions of the former Primate, His Eminence Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, for the earlier stages of preparation for the construction of the Mother Cathedral.

His Holiness expressed his appreciation to the local government officials in attendance for being cooperative in the process of the construction. His Holiness also praised the United States for allowing people to freely practice their religion.

In his concluding remarks, Vehapar presented the Primate with a consecrated painting depicting the "Ascension of Jesus Christ," to be placed in the newly built Mother Cathedral. His Holiness then released a single white dove, which was followed by another 49 doves, creating a joyous scene at the conclusion of the ceremony.