Edinburgh 2010 – World Missionary Conference

From 2-6 of June, 2010, a world conference was held in Edinburgh, UK dedicated to the 100th centenary of the World Missionary Conference. Nearly 300 conference participants representing Christian denominations from around the world; including Anglicans, Evangelicals, Orthodox, Pentecostals, Protestants and Roman Catholics as well as members of independent and uniting churches; attended workshops, events and services.

Bishop Brian Farrell from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) and Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), presided over the conference.

Very Rev. Fr. Vahan Hovhannisian, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Great Britain represented the Armenian Apostolic Church at the Conference.

During the conference they discussed issues concerning Christian unity, freedom and injustice. It was suggested to invite more participants from the Southern Hemisphere for the next meeting, and place more importance on the participation of women and youth. A Common Call  was issued on the final day of the four-day gathering recognizing the need for "authentic dialogue, respectful engagement and humble witness among people of other faiths -- and no faith -- to the uniqueness of Christ."

The gathering marked the centenary of the 1910 World Missionary Conference, an event that is widely regarded as a major milestone in the modern ecumenical movement. One hundred years on, participants gave thanks for a much more diverse and representative gathering.