Condolence Message of His Holiness Karekin II Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians

We learned of the airplane tragedy on the Yerevan-Sochi flight and the resulting great loss of life with deep pain and sorrow. We mourn these unexpected and terrible losses with the family and friends of the victims of this disaster and all of our people.

On behalf of the Brotherhood of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and the Supreme Spiritual Council, we extend our sympathies to all affected by this tragedy.

We offer prayers to God, that he accept the souls of the victims in the illuminated heights of heaven and grant them blessed rest and peace. We ask that our Lord, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, bestow patience and consolation to the families and relatives of those who perished, and the strength to withstand the sorrow of their loss.

Appealing for unceasing prayers and divine blessings in memory of the victims of this tragedy. Amen.
