35 New Deacons Ordained in Holy Etchmiadzin

35 New Deacons Ordained in Holy Etchmiadzin 28.03.2006
This year on the 23rd of February - the Feast of Sts. Vartanants, 35 young graduates of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary were ordained to the diaconate during the celebration of Divine Liturgy in the Mother See of All Armenians. His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, presided during the liturgy which was celebrated by His Eminence Archbishop Nerses Bozabalian.

As has become a tradition, the "Feast of St. Vartan the Commander and His Companions" is celebrated with great pageantry in Holy Etchmiadzin, as it is one of the most loved feasts of the Armenian nation. The highlight of the day is the service of ordination which takes place in the Mother Cathedral. In some years the ordinations are to the priesthood, and in others, as in this year, they are to the diaconate.

This year's celebrations resulted in 35 new deacons who joined the ranks of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin as its youngest members. This was the first time in the modern history of the Armenian Church that such a large number of young men have been ordained all at once.

 In recent years on this day, Armenians worldwide celebrate the naming day of the Armenian Pontiff, His Holiness Karekin II. At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, a special Pontifical Blessing service was offered before the Holy Altar of Descent of the Mother Cathedral, whereby the faithful joined with the class of clergy in raising their prayers to heaven, wishing His Holiness a long, productive reign, a healthy and fruitful life, and unshakeable strength and prosperity for the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

Among the countless faithful, were hundreds of soldiers from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, who had come with their commanding officers to participate in the Divine Liturgy. His Holiness blessed the servicemen, calling them the new "Vartans" of our day, asking that God grant them faith, willpower and a spirit of victory.