Ordination of Priests in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

Ordination of Priests in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin 25.11.2003

On Sunday, November 23, His Eminence Archbishop Davit Sahakian celebrated a "Divine Liturgy of Oath" in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin dedicated the 1700th Anniversary of the consecration of the First Church of the Armenian People. His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, presided during the Divine Liturgy as the celebrant archbishop ordained five deacons to the holy order of priesthood. 

The prior Saturday, during Evening Services in the Mother Cathedral, the five candidates underwent a public examination of their profession of faith. Acting Grand Sacristan Rev. Fr. Artak Vardapet Tigranian testified on behalf of the spiritual virtues and religious training of the young men. As the service progressed, the candidates unanimously rejected and anathematized the heretics and schismatics. Further, they vowed to follow the true faith of Jesus Christ, the Holy Apostles and the Armenian Pontiffs and Patriarchs. As a sign of their orthodox faith, they recited the dogmatic creed of the Armenian Church, written by St. Gregory of Datev. 

As the Divine Liturgy began, the candidates ascended to the Holy Altar of the Cathedral on bended knees. Turning to face the faithful, they renounced secular life and devoted themselves to spiritual pursuits. Prior to the Kiss of Peace, Archbishop Davit anointed the foreheads and palms of both hands of each deacon with Holy Chrism (Muron) and according to the tradition of the Armenian Church, renamed them. Deacon Hovik Hovhannissian became Father Hayrik; Deacon Hakob Hakobian was renamed Father Hakob; Deacon Artur Petrossian became Father Tiran; Deacon Artur Hakobian was renamed Father Hovnan; and Deacon Ashot Vardanian became Father Kyuregh. Each new priest blessed the faithful in attendance for the first time with the words: "Blessing and glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever. Amen. Peace unto all." Following their anointing, the ordaining bishop handed the chalice to the newly ordained priests, transferring to them the power and right to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and distribute the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the faithful. 

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, the Pontiff of All Armenians, leading a procession of bishops and members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin, ascended to the Holy Altar of the Mother Cathedral and conveyed their congratulations by kissing the anointed foreheads and hands of the new priests. 

During Evening Services on Sunday, the service of the "Blessing of the Cowl" (Veghar) was offered. Fr. Hayrik, Fr. Tiran, Fr. Hovnan and Fr. Kyuregh took their oath of celibacy and received the cowl. The cowl is a black monastic hood bestowed on celibate priests, which symbolizes the renunciation of the world and its pleasures. By the end of the day, four new celibate priests and one new married priest joined the religious order of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. 

The young priests immediately entered their traditional 40-day period of seclusion, whereby through prayer, fasting and meditation, they will prepare themselves to celebrate their inaugural Divine Liturgies.