Conference of Clergy held in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

Conference of Clergy held in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin 26.02.2003

On February 25 a clergy conference was convened in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, on the occasion of the Feast of St. Ghevont the Priest and His Companions.

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians presided during the one-day meeting of clergy from Armenia and Artsakh. The Feast day of St. Ghevont is dedicated to the blessed memory of the Armenian priests who fought alongside St. Vartan and the entire Armenian Nation for their Christian faith in 451 A.D. in the Battle of Avarayr. The clergy conference on this occasion, which has become a tradition in the past few years, served as a new opportunity for the priests to discuss and deliberate the challenges they face in their mission, as well as the benefits of their calling as clergymen.

Over 130 married and celibate priests, along with their Diocesan Primates, participated in the sessions. His Grace Bishop Mikayel Ajapahian, Primate of the Diocese of Shirak, chaired the meeting. The morning began with a church service held in the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, after which the first session commenced. In his opening remarks, His Holiness welcomed all nine primates from the dioceses of Armenia and Artsakh, and asked them each to introduce every one of the clergymen who were assembled in the Mother See to participate in the conference. The presenters for the day were His Eminence Archbishop Datev Sarkissian and Very Rev. Fr. Bagrat Vardapet Galstanian, Vicar General of the Diocese of Aragatsotn. Fr. Galstanian spoke of the importance of liturgics in fulfilling the responsibilities of a pastor. Abp. Sarkissian spoke about the pastoral, administrative, spiritual and national duties of the priest. Both presenters stressed the church rite as a powerful means for preaching and evangelism. The clergy were called upon to function with more zeal and devotion in order to protect the faithful from sectarian movements, which lead to division and cause families to disintegrate. It was also noted that the clergy play a large role in the contribution to national unity. Special attention was accorded to the need for fundamental religious education for the Armenian faithful, in order to restore what has been forgotten during the fruitless and destructive period of Soviet atheism. The participants also affirmed that the headquarters of the Armenian Church - the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, under the conditions of today?s free and independent Armenia, shall be the fountainhead for the spiritual rebirth of the nation. During the discussions, the participants reaffirmed that as servants of God and His Holy Church, they must always look to the living and true example - Our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The clergy stated unanimously, that they must strive to better follow the example of Christ, for He shows the way through His immeasurable love and His humanity, humility and patience for all mankind. His Holiness Karekin II gave his blessing to the clergy and exhorted them "to guide our nation according to the commandments of Christ's Gospel, for the sake of Jesus, for the sake of the Motherland, for the sake of our people; and in the spirit of St. Vartan the Captain and his Companions, to strengthen and flourish our church through your zealous service." At the end of the meeting, the clergy in attendance expressed their filial love and appreciation to His Holiness for his fatherly concern and attention, and confirmed their oath to the sacred mission of serving the Armenian Church and nation.