12 new deacons were ordained in the Mother See

12 new deacons were ordained in the Mother See 25.12.2002

On December 24, the feast day of Saint Stephen, Deacon and First Martyr of the Church, was commemorated in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin with the celebration of Divine Liturgy. St. Stephen was one of the seven first deacons of the newborn church, and became the first Christian to suffer martyrdom for his faith in Christ.

Under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and before the Altar of St. Stephen in the north apse of the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Eminence Archbishop Nerses Bozabalian celebrated the Divine Liturgy. The Armenian Church regards the commemoration day of St. Stephen as a feast day for all deacons, and traditionally, it is the day when young men are ordained to the diaconate.

During the Liturgy, the celebrant bishop ordained twelve young men to the rank of deacon. They are all graduates of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary of the Mother See, and the Vazkenian Theological Seminary of Sevan. All twelve deacons have successfully passed the exams for the diaconate mandated by His Holiness.

Following the Divine Liturgy, all of the deacons of the Mother See were invited to the Residence of the Catholicos to receive the blessing of the Pontiff of All Armenians on their feast day. His Holiness was moved at the sight of the more than 50 young deacons who presently serve in the Mother See, who had gathered to receive his blessing.

In his message directed to both the newly ordained and the entire ranks of the diaconate, he stated: "My soul is filled with joy today. We congratulate the twelve, a truly apostolic number, for the Church is waiting for you. The people are waiting for you. We are waiting for you, since it is time for you to fill the vacuum.

"Our message to you is "Love Holy Etchmiadzin". Our forebears have stated time and again that "Etchmiadzin is Mission", and that is true today more than ever. It is a mission to lead our people to God and to their bright future. Our present times have given us all opportunities, and there are no roadblocks standing in our way. As our new soldiers enlisted in this fight, arm yourselves with devotion, service and self-sacrifice. This decision you have made to serve our Holy Church and Our Lord Jesus Christ is one born from within, one born from faith. It is your duty to practice the divine commandment of our Lord to "Love one another as I have loved you".

His Holiness presented graduation diplomas from the Gevorkian Theological Seminary to 27 of the deacons who had defended their graduation theses during the past year.

Also on the same day, during Evening Services in the Cathedral, ordination of new acolytes and granting of stoles took place.