Message of His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, on the Occasion of Great Lent

Dearly beloved,
We are entering the season of Great Lent, a time of prayer, self-reflection, repentance, and confession that will guide us toward the indescribable joy of the glorious Resurrection of our incarnate Lord, Jesus Christ.
Fasting is a sacred opportunity and a spiritual path through which we strengthen our souls, fortify our will, cleanse ourselves from sin, reject corrupt ways, remain steadfast in faith and spirit, and strive to live by God’s commandments.
The fruit of fasting and prayer is the purity of heart, which aspires to perfection, following the Lord’s call: 'Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect' (Matthew 5:48).
Thus, by heeding the spiritual teachings of Great Lent and the messages of the Sundays during this sacred season, we are called to direct our lives along the paths of divine love, justice, and goodness.
For it is through the righteous lives of all believers that the strength of our people is magnified—so that, placing our trust in the Lord, we may overcome all challenges and be strengthened as a nation and a state.
Let us raise our prayers that, by the life-giving grace of our Savior's Holy Resurrection, we may be transformed and renew the life of our nation, filling it with light and divine grace.
May our homeland, under the Providential protection of God’s Right Hand, be granted peace and security, and may our entire nation—both in the homeland and the diaspora—be blessed with prosperity and protection, now and forever. Amen.