“Hrashapar” Service at the Holy Mother of God Church in Melbourne

“Hrashapar” Service at the Holy Mother of God Church in Melbourne 09.02.2019

On February 8, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; accompanied by His Eminence Archbishop Haikazoon Najaryan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Australia and New Zealand and his retinue, left from Sydney to Melbourne, Australia's second largest city.

On the morning of February 9, the Catholicos of All Armenians visited the Holy Mother of God Armenian Church in Melbourne, where the "Hrashapar" service was held.

The Catholicos of All Armenians was welcomed with enthusiasm by the representatives of the Armenian community of Melbourne, united in the church on this blessed occasion. They were led by Spiritual Pastor Rev. Fr. Khacher Harutyunyan and the church parish council.

Following the “Salt and Bread” service, His Holiness blessed the people and under the singing of the “Hrashapar” he was led to the church where a joint prayer was held.

Then, Archbishop Haikzaoon, on behalf of the present faithful, welcomed the Pontifical visit of the Catholicos of All Armenians to the Armenian Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, particularly in Melbourne, stressing the importance of the visits of His Holiness to the Armenian community and invited His Holiness to convey his blessings and message to the pious people.

Applying to the faithful Armenians, the Catholicos of All Armenians expressed his delight that by God's will he once again visited them to bring his Pontifical love and blessings of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the Armenian spiritual center. The Armenian Patriarch confirmed that he had met the Armenians living in Sydney several days ago with the same sense of joy, prayed together with them, visited educational and benevolent institutions, had meetings with the youth, elderly people, national institutions and representatives of political parties and has become a part of the recorded achievements and successes in the Australian-Armenian community.

“Dear faithful, at this symbolic moment of a united prayer with you, we raise our prayers of the Divine Liturgy, asking Lord’s goodness and protection to our people. The course of our people during the centuries has been under the protection of the Holy Right Hand of God, that had difficulties, overcame trials but due to his faith has always been resilient and patient. Scattered away from the homeland, our nation's children have built beautiful and vibrant communities with beautiful churches, educational centers and national and cultural institutions. In different countries of the world, Armenian communities are indeed the cradles of our people's identity, which through their peculiarities and traditions enrich the history of our people. In front of this reality one can see that the troubles and tragedies our people have suffered are compensated by pious achievements for the Lord blesses and saves His faithful people”, stated His Holiness.

His Holiness urged the faithful to overcome the existing challenges with loyalty towards the Lord. “Our Holy Church is the shelter of hope for each child, the purgatory of sin, the constant distributor of divine mercy, the heavenly endless blessings and graces.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21), says our Lord Jesus Christ. And your love and intentions are, of course, directed towards our spiritual treasures, towards the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and our Homeland, where your brothers and sisters combined with faith, hope and optimism, with a courageous heart, build up our new life, the bright future of our people. So dear beloved, always live in a bright faith, keep your paternity and patriotism and continue to participate in activities and contribute to the progress and prosperity of the homeland, remaining the worthy and deserving children of our people and our Apostolic Holy Church”, stated Catholicos Karekin II.

His Holiness expressed his appreciation to Diocesan Primate His Eminence Archbishop Haikazoon Najaryan, the clergy and honorary members and employees of the diocesan and parish councils, educational, national and cultural institutions supporting their mission.
His Holiness also conveyed his blessings and appreciation to the Diocesan Council and all those devotees who jointly organized the Pontifical visit to Australia and meetings with the faithful Armenians.

At the conclusion, His Holiness wished that the Australian-Armenian community always be bright and prosperous, be abundant with new achievements, church-building and patriotic successes.

Following the “Protector” prayer, the faithful had the opportunity to kiss the Holy Right Hand of His Holiness and receive crosses as blessing of the Holy Etchmiadzin.

At the conclusion of the “Hrashapar” service, at the hall adjacent to the Church, the Catholicos of All Armenians had a meeting with the students of the “Akinyan” and Hamazkayin's “Mesrop Mashtots” one-day colleges.

Following the welcoming remarks of the directors of the two colleges, the students performed artistic performances.

Then, the His Holiness conveyed his blessings to the children, urging to be the worthy descendants of our holy ancestors.

His Holiness also conveyed his blessings to the college staff and pedagogues, highly appreciating their efforts, commitment and devotion in the patriotic education of the younger generation.